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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Independent Sources   

Independent Sources


This topic includes descriptions of the following AMI Analysis sources:

AMI Source

Current Sources

This topic includes descriptions of the following independent current sources:

Current Source, DC

Current Source, Pulse

Current Source, Piecewise Linear

Current Source, Sinusoidal

Current Source, AM (Netlist Only)

Current Source, Exponential (Netlist Only)

Current Source, Piecewise Linear, MSINC and ASPEC Compatible (Netlist Only)

Current Source, Single Frequency FM (Netlist Only)

Eye Sources

This topic includes descriptions of the following Eye Analysis sources:

Eye Source

Eye External Step Response Source

Noise Sources

This topic includes descriptions of the following independent noise sources:

Noise Source, Current, 2-Branch

Noise Source, Current, N-Branch (Netlist Only)

Shot Noise Source, Current

Shot Noise Source, Voltage

White Noise Source, Current

White Noise Source, Voltage


Voltage Sources

This topic includes descriptions of the following independent voltage sources:

Voltage Source, Clock with Jitter

Voltage Source, CPM Modulated

Voltage Source, DC

Voltage Source, IQ Modulated

Voltage Source, Linear Feedback Shift Register

Voltage Source, PSK Modulated

Voltage Source, Pulse

Voltage Source, Piecewise Linear

Voltage Source, QAM Modulated

Voltage Source, Random Bit Generator

Voltage Source, Digital Random Bit Generator

Voltage Source, Digital Random Bit Generator with Jitter

Voltage Source, Gaussian Random Bit Generator with Jitter

Voltage Source, Sinusoidal

Voltage Source, AM (Netlist Only)

Voltage Source, Exponential (Netlist Only)

Voltage Source, Piecewise Linear, MSINC and ASPEC Compatible (Netlist Only)

Voltage Source, Single Frequency FM (Netlist Only)

Port Power Source, Sinusoidal (Netlist Only)

• In a schematic design, a power source is a special kind of interface port. See Nexxim Port Power Source for information.


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