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Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Component Models >
Independent Sources >
   Noise Source, Current, N-Branch (Netlist Only)       

Noise Source, Current, N-Branch (Netlist Only)




The N-branch current noise source is available for use in netlists, but is not supported in the Components window of the Designer Schematic Editor. A 2-branch current noise source is supported in Nexxim Schematics, but it uses a syntax that is similar to the syntax used in the Circuit NSRCC component.

Current Noise Source Netlist Format

The format to include a current noise source is:

Axxxx n1+ [n2+ ...] n1- [n2- ...]
NOISECORR_REAL=(c11r [, c12r ...])
NOISECORR_IMAG=(c12i [, c13i ...])

n1+, n2+, etc., are the positive nodes. n1-, n2-, etc., are the corresponding negative nodes. The list of nodes (positive plus negative) must contain an even number of nodes. Using N to represent the total number of nodes in the list, the first N/2 nodes are taken to be the positive nodes.

The parameter COMPONENT=inoise_source identifies the element as a current noise source.


Current Noise Source Parameters






List of real noise correlation coefficients




List of imaginary noise correlation coefficients



Current Noise Source Netlist Example

Ainsrc 10 11 12 0 0 0
+ (1.1e-20, 3.0e-19, 5.2e-20, 1.0e-18, 0.1e-18, 2.8e-19)
+ NOISECORR_IMAG=(-0.5e-20, 2.0e-20, 7.7e-19)
+ COMPONENT=inoise_source



1. The noise correlation matrix is a symmetric conjugate matrix of dimension P ´ P, where P is the number of positive nodes:







In this matrix, the elements above the diagonal are the conjugates of the corresponding ele­ments below the diagonal (Cjk = Ckj*).

The noise correlation matrix is specified in two parts. The real part is specified with the NOISECORR_REAL parameter list and the imaginary part is specified with the NOISECORR_IMAG parameter list.


The real noise correlation coefficients form a symmetric matrix of dimension P ´ P, where P is the number of positive nodes.







In this matrix, the diagonal elements are always positive (Ckkr ³ 0). The elements above the diagonal are equal to the corresponding elements below the diagonal (Cjkr = Ckjr).

For example, when P=3 the real part of the noise correlation matrix would have the following elements:







The NOISECORR_REAL parameter list should specify only the elements on or above the diag­onal. The entry for the matrix in this example would have the form:

NOISECORR_REAL=(c11r, c12r, c13r, c22r, c23r, c33r)


The imaginary noise correlation coefficients form a matrix of dimension P ´ P, where P is the number of positive nodes. However, the diagonal of this matrix has all zeros:







The elements below the diagonal are the negatives of the corresponding elements above the diagonal (Cjki = -Ckji)

For example, when P=3 the imaginary noise correlation coefficient matrix would have the fol­lowing elements:







The NOISECORR_IMAG parameter list should specify only the elements above the diagonal. The entry for the matrix in this example would have the form:

NOISECORR_IMAG=(c12i, c13i, c23i)


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