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Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links       

Dynamic Links

Dynamic linking is the simulation of a subcircuit using the subcircuits’ native simulator in parallel to the top-level simulator. The dynamic link subcircuit can provide simulation results on demand using its native simulator in parallel with the top-level simulator. The top circuit can also import static subcircuits derived from external simulators. A static subcircuit is a component with a fixed set of solution data, such as Touchstone N-port data. No cosimulation is involved in the simulation of a static subcircuit.

The following dynamic link subcircuit types are supported:

• PlanarEM subcircuit with System, or Nexxim top circuit

• Nexxim subcircuit in System top circuit

• HFSS N-Port subcircuit with System, or Nexxim top circuit

• Q3D Extractor subcircuit with System top circuit

• SIwave NPort subcircuit with System top circuit

• Parametric NPort subcircuit with System top circuit

At simulation time, the top-level circuit receives solution data from its subcircuit in order to perform its own simulation. The top-level circuit uses a callback mechanism to wait for subcircuit data while simulating. Since cosimulation circuits are from different products, the type of data being sent back and forth varies. In cosimulation, voltages and currents are usually sent back and forth. However, Planar EM cosimulation is based on S-parameter data.


The topics for this section include:

Dynamic Links in Workbench Mode

Running a Dynamic Link Cosimulation

Adding a Planar EM Dynamic Link

Adding a Nexxim Dynamic Link

Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from HFSS

Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from Q3D

Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from 2DExtractor

Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from SIwave

Adding a Dynamic Link Parametric N-Port

Viewing Dynamic Link Geometry in the Layout Editor and a 3D View

Capturing or Recapturing Bitmap Symbols for Dynamic Link Models

Pushing Excitations to a Dynamic Link N-Port Field Solver Model

Pushing Excitations to an EM Design

Pushing Excitations to an HFSS, Q3D, or SIwave Dynamic Link Model

Dynamic Port Termination with a Dynamic Link Model

Access to HFSS Output Variables from Designer and Nexxim


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