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Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links >
       Dynamic Port Termination with a Dynamic Link Model           

Dynamic Port Termination with a Dynamic Link Model

Nexxim can use port impedances set dynamically from the field solver cosimulator. The port impedances can be frequency-dependent. The Nexxim setup specifies the frequency range of interest to the Nexxim design, say f1 to f3. The field solver tool is set to run over a range of frequencies, f3 to f4, and can provide impedance data for that range. If the frequency range for which port impedance data is dynamically determined (f3, f4) is a subset of the frequency range of interest (f1, f2), then the non-overlapping frequencies have the same impedances as the end frequencies.

To specify a dynamic impedance, double-click the port and select Edit Port. In the Termination panel of the Edit Port dialog, select One port data and Use characteristic impedance. Use the pulldown to select the field solver port which is to supply the impedance data for this Nexxim port.


Instead of dynamic termination, you can specify a static list of frequencies and the corresponding impedances. In the Termination panel of the Edit Port dialog, select One port data and Use impedance matrix. Select Create New to open the N-Port data dialog. Enter a name and optionally a description of the data set. Select Enter data in spreadsheet, and click the Network Data tab. On the Network data tab, select Z matrix.


Enter the first frequency and the corresponding impedance. Click Add to add more frequency/impedance pairs. Click OK to return to the Edit Port dialog:


The impedances are interpolated for frequencies intermediate between given points. Impedances for frequencies outside the range given take the end values.

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