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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links >
       Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from SIwave           

Adding a Dynamic Link N-Port from SIwave

To create a dynamic link from SIwave to Designer, you import the SIwave data as an N-port device.



When you add an SIwave subcircuit, Designer starts SIwave. By default, the latest version of SIwave is opened. After SIwave has started, you must close SIwave and Designer separately. Closing SIwave does not close Designer, and closing Designer does not close SIwave.


To add an SIwave N-Port as a subcircuit to a design:

1. Open the design to which you want to add a subcircuit.

2. On the Project menu, point to Add Model, and then select Add SIwave Model. The SIwave Model dialog opens:

3. Use the SIwave Model dialog to select a design and a set of design data. For additional information concerning available tabs and option settings when configuring dynamic links, see Add an HFSS N-Port Model.

4. Click OK to close the SIwave link and the SIwave Model dialog.


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