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       Pushing Excitations to a Dynamic Link N-Port Field Solver Model           

Pushing Excitations to a Dynamic Link N-Port Field Solver Model

You can set the excitations in dynamically linked field solver elements from a parent circuit so that true electromagnetic field levels can be calculated by the electromagnetic solver (HFSS, Q3D, SIwave, PlanarEM). This means that the field values calculated by the electromagnetic solver element approximate the true field values when the circuit is active. These calculations are useful for active and passive antenna simulations, EMI/EMC simulations, and signal integrity applications. Ansoft calls this "pushing excitations" from a circuit to a field solver.

The procedure used to push excitations differs slightly depending on whether the electromagnetic simulator is in the Designer desktop, as is the case with the PlanarEM simulator, or external to the Designer desktop, as is the case with HFSS, Q3D, and SIwave.

To begin, insert a PlanarEM, HFSS, Q3D, or SIwave model into a circuit using the techniques described in previous sections. While the circuit/field-solver combination can be simulated immediately and S-parameters can be extracted, some additional setup is required to view field values in the field solver element.

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