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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Dynamic Links and Solver On Demand >
   Dynamic Links >
       Adding a Nexxim Dynamic Link           

Adding a Nexxim Dynamic Link

To create a dynamic link subcircuit:

1. Right-click the icon for the System schematic design in the Project tree.

2. Select Add Nexxim Subcircuit from the Add Subcircuit subordinate menu to create a Nexxim subcircuit.

3. A new Schematic editor window opens. Add components, wires, and ports to create the Nexxim subcircuit.

4. Click on the icon for the top circuit to make its schematic the active window. The Nexxim subcircuit appears in the Schematic Editor. Ports on the Nexxim subcircuit become ports on the subcircuit in the schematic editor. Wire the subcircuit into the main circuit.

5. An icon for the subcircuit appears in the Project tree. Left-click on the Nexxim subcircuit icon in the Project tree. The Param Values tab of the Properties window displays the CircuitSolver definition for the subcircuit:

6. Click in the Value box for the CircuitSolver to open the Cosimulation Setup dialog.

7. Use the pulldown to select an Analysis Type.

For Nexxim subcircuits, the choices for cosimulation are Transient Analysis, Harmonic Balance, and Linear Network Analysis.

• When the System top circuit analysis is Time Domain, the Nexxim cosimulation can be Transient Analysis, Linear Network Analysis or Harmonic Balance.

• When the System top circuit analysis is Frequency Domain, either Linear Network Analysis or Harmonic Balance can be selected.

8. When Harmonic Balance is selected, an additional Setup dialog opens:



When Harmonic Balance has been selected, clicking the Value button for the CircuitSolver in the Properties window reopens the HB Cosimulation Setup dialog. To select Transient Analysis or Linear Network Analysis instead of HB, click the Back button to return to the Cosimulation Setup dialog.




Nexxim Cosimulation Options

To specify options for Nexxim subcircuits during System/Nexxim cosimulation, left-click on the Nexxim subcircuit icon to make the subcircuit schematic the active window. Select Cosimulation Options from the Nexxim Circuit pulldown on the top menu bar. The Cosimulation Options dialog opens:

Set the desired options and click OK.


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