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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Drawing a Model   

Drawing a Model

All geometric models that you create are simply a collection of objects. These objects are drawn using the Drawing Region of the Layout Editor.


Designer allows you to draw on all three primitive layer types: dielectric, signal, and metallized signal. Objects on dielectric layers are ignored in PlanarEM modeling, but they are displayed in Layout3D and they are exported (for example, to HFSS).



The topics for this section include:

The Drawing Region

General Drawing Guidelines

Zooming and Panning the Layout View

Using Handles in Designer

Selection Modes

Selecting Handles

Selecting Edges

Selecting Overlapping Objects

Cross-Probing Selected Elements

Voids in Layout

Aligning Objects

Position Locking

Directional Drawing

Negative Objects

Drawing Geometric Objects

Inserting N-Port Data

Assigning Reference Ports

Drawing Apertures on Ground Planes

Routing Traces

Modifying Objects

Measurement Mode


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