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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Drawing a Model >
   The Drawing Region       

The Drawing Region

The drawing region is the rectangular area, displayed as a grid, in which you create the model. You can control the following aspects of the drawing region:


Setting the Drawing Region Size

Defining the size of the region in which you are interested helps to conserve computing resources. Designer does not attempt to compute a solution outside the drawing region.

Drawing region settings can be changed for the local layout design, or for all layout designs. See The Display Tab under Layout Options for details on changing the drawing region settings


Fitting View Areas in the Drawing Region

If the drawing region is too large to fit in the viewing area of a Layout window, scroll bars automatically appear on the bottom and left side of the window. Use them to scroll across the drawing region. Alternatively, click View > Fit Drawing to rescale the viewing area of the window to display the entire drawing region.


Choosing Grid Settings

The grid displayed in the Layout window is a drawing aid that helps to visualize the location of objects. By default a cartesian (rectangular) grid is displayed in the active Layout window. The grid is centered at the origin of the local coordinate system (x = 0, y = 0). Grid spacing is set according to the current project’s drawing units.

Grid settings can be changed for the local layout design, or for all layout designs. See The Display Tab under Layout Options for details on changing the grid settings


Choosing Snap Settings

By default, the selection point and graphical objects are set to “snap to” a point on the grid when the cursor hovers over it. The coordinates of the selection point are used, rather than the exact location of the mouse.

Snap settings can be changed for the local layout design, or for all layout designs. See The Snapping Tab under Layout Options for details on changing the snap settings


Choosing Shadow Settings

When a sub-circuit is selected, it is drawn shadowed. The shadowing can be controlled through a property on the sub-circuit. Shadow Percent: a low number means less shadowing, a high number means more. A low number also means that the sub-circuit will be drawn with colors closer to the original intensity.


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