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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Editor Options  >
       Setting Global Layout Options >
           The Display Tab               

The Display Tab

The Display tab controls the grid display, the drawing area, and the drawing mode:

The Display tab also opens when you select Layout > Grid Settings. The grid consists of major and minor divisions.

• Major Divisions — By default, the major grid divisions are spaced 10mm apart, and are a medium grey color. Reset the spacing by entering a new value in the Size box. Select a new color from the palette that appears when you click in the color rectangle.

• Minor Divisions — By default, the major grid divisions are spaced 1mm apart, and are a light grey color. Reset the spacing by entering a new value in the Size box. Select a new color from the palette that appears when you click in the color rectangle.

• Background — By default, the layout editor background is white. Select a new color from the palette that appears when you click in the color rectangle.

• Show Grid Divisions — Toggles the grid display on and off. Default is on.

• Drawing Extent — Specifies the size and extent of the layout. Defaults are Left, -100mm, Right, +100mm, Top, +100mm, Bottom, -100mm. Scroll bars indicate the extent of the full drawing area.

• Drawing — By default, the drawing mode for planar objects is to fill them with a crosshatched pattern. You can also select Sketch Mode (show outlines only) or Solid Mode (solid fill color)

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