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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Editor Options        

Layout Editor Options

Layout options control the display, drawing, and editing of models in the Layout Editor. All layout options have installed default values. Option values may be changed from their installed defaults either globally (for all new layouts) or locally (for a particular existing layout).


Local options for a layout may be changed only from the top level of the layout hierarchy, not from within a subcircuit.

When a new layout is created, options assume their global values, unless there is an installed default which overrides the global default. Values for a particular layout option can be set locally to be different from global/installed defaults.

Layout options are changed using the Layout Options dialogs (one dialog for global settings, and another for local settings). Both the global and local Layout Options dialogs have six tabs. The options on each tab are much the same for both global and local settings.


The topics for this section include:

Setting Global Layout Options

Setting Local Layout Options


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