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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Editor Options  >
       Setting Global Layout Options >
           The Snapping Tab               

The Snapping Tab

The Snapping tab controls automatic snapping to objects, grid points and directions:

When creating or placing a component initially in the Layout Editor, it is the cursor that snaps to the target. As you move and place objects, the shape of the cursor changes to indicate the target being snapped to. The options you may select under Targets and Sources are not mutually exclusive, and you may select none, some, or all of them. When multiple sources or targets are selected, the closest of these will snap to each other as you create and move objects. Sources defines the part of the object you are placing that will snap, and Targets defines what is snapped to.



• Snap To Grid — Targets that are not on the grid are ignored. If there are no usable targets within the snapping distance, the closest grid location is used.

• Snap Across Hierarchy Any object within the hierarchy becomes a target for snapping; this does not affect the sources.


Directional Constraint

• None No directional drawing/snapping constraint

• Orthogonal Forces directional drawing/snapping to the orthogonal (x or y)

• 45 Degree Forces directional drawing/snapping to 45 degrees

For more information see Directional Drawing.



Select the distance in pixels within which snapping will occur. The default is 20 pixels.



Select the types of targets to which objects can snap. By default, all targets are subject to snapping except Any Edge Location and Edge Intersection.



Select the types of source points that are to be snapped. When Object Center is selected, it is the center of an object that will snap to a target. For instance, with an arc, when Object Center is selected, the center of the arc will snap to the nearest target point. By default, all sources are subject to snapping except Any Edge Location.



All snapping modes can be controlled via the Layout Snaps toolbar, which are active during an operation.


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