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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Drawing a Model >
   Drawing Geometric Objects       

Drawing Geometric Objects

You can draw one- or two-dimensional objects using the Draw commands. You can alter objects individually or together to create the geometry of your structure.

• One-dimensional (1D,) or open objects in Designer are zero-width arcs, lines, or any combination thereof that have not yet been closed to form the boundary of an object. Generally, open objects are used as temporary objects from which to create complex closed objects.

• Two-dimensional (2D) or closed objects in Designer are objects with boundaries that enclose a region. All closed objects are automatically saved as part of the geometric model when you click File > Save.

• Simple closed objects include thick lines and arcs, circles, and rectangles. A complex closed object is one created by joining open objects to enclose an area. For example, to turn an open object into a closed object, draw a line that connects the end points of the open object.


The topics for this section include:










Cross-Layer Plate

Infinite Array


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