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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Drawing a Model >
   Drawing Geometric Objects >
       Drawing a Void           

Drawing a Void

Create a void, or remove material from an object, in the shape of a circle, rectangle, polygon, or line using the Draw > Void commands. One object can have multiple voids, but each void can only be associated with one “parent” object. For example, to create two concentric rings as shown below, first draw the outer circle, then add a circular void to it. Then draw the inner circle and add a circular void to it.

Two circle objects, each having one void.


To create a void in an object:

1. Select the parent object.

2. To create a circular void in the object:

• On the Draw menu, point to Void, and then click Circle. Then follow the procedure for drawing a circle.

To create a rectangular void in the object:

• On the Draw menu, point to Void, and then click Rectangle. Then follow the procedure for drawing a rectangle.

To create a void in the shape of a polygon in the object:

• On the Draw menu, point to Void, and then click Polygon. Then follow the procedure for drawing a polygon.

To remove a line from the object:

• On the Draw menu, point to Void, and then click Line. Then follow the procedure for drawing a line.

You cannot create a void in the shape of a line upon an existing line object. Material is removed from the object in the shape and dimensions you drew.


Repeat these steps to create additional voids in an object. View or edit a void’s properties in the Property Control window or use the mouse to drag the void’s handles.




3D vias may contain voids. Voids in 3D vias can be placed entirely or partially within the outer contour. No attempt is made to geometrically align voids in the upper polygons with those in the lower. Rather, the order in which voids on different layers were created is used to control their alignment.


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