Navigation Tree

The Navigation Tree on the left side of the Main View window shows and enables the handling of all objects used by CST PCB STUDIO. Its tree structure provides an overview and supports a detailed investigation of a PCB. The figure below shows the top level objects:



This chapter explains how the objects Nets, Components, Net Classes, Traces, Areas and Vias can be easily browsed and displayed using the Select function in the Navigation Tree. For more explanation on items inside the Technology folder (Layers, Images and Pad Stacks) please refer to:

For more explanation on how to generate and edit Traces, Areas and Vias please refer to

For more explanation on how to use the extended selection function provided with the Selection Manager please refer to



A Net defines a group of conductive structures which are galvanically connected. On a PCB there are three different types of conductive structures: traces, areas and vias (see explanation below). Different nets can be assigned to certain net classes. The most important net classes are signal, power and ground (see explanation below).

Clicking on the + sign next to Nets will expand all nets in the underlying list. Choosing a certain net will highlight the corresponding structures in the Main View window. Clicking the + sign next to a selected will list all pins that belong to this net. Going further and expanding a certain pin will show the corresponding component (device) the pin belongs to. And expanding the component will list all other pins which can belong to other net instances. This tree-structure behavior offers a convenient way to explore the inner topology of the PCB (see figure below):




Selecting a net and clicking the right mouse button will display a drop-down menu that allows to cut or copy, to delete or to edit the net. If Edit is selected from the drop-down menu a dialog box will be displayed enabling the user to edit  five net parameter as shown below:



The parameters Color, Name, Selectable and Visible can be edit via the Attribute Manager in the View Options window, too (see View Options Window). The parameter Net Class can be edited via the Net Class Manager, too (see Nets and Net Classes). Selecting the root object Nets itself and clicking the right mouse button will display a similar drop-down menu enabling the user to allocate a new net instance.




A component represents a device that can be either placed at the top or the bottom layer of a PCB. The most important characteristic of a component is its list of pins. From a geometrical point of view the component's pins define the place where the connected nets end. This information is defined and stored in the image a component refers to (see Components and Geometric Properties).

From a modeling point of view a component's pin defines the electrical behavior that can be seen from the connected net. The electric behavior for each pin can be defined with the help of the Component Definition dialog box (see Basic Components Dialogs). Defining the electric behavior of a component means adding necessary information to enable a complete simulation workflow within CST PCB STUDIO.


Clicking on the + sign next to Components will list all components of the PCB. Choosing a certain component will highlight the corresponding object in the Main View window. Selecting a special component in the Navigation Tree and expanding it will display the corresponding pins of the component (in the Navigation Tree). And further, expanding a certain pins will show the corresponding net the component's pin belongs to (see figure below):



Selecting a component and clicking the right mouse button will display a drop-down menu that allows the user to delete or to edit the component. Selecting the root object Components itself and clicking the right mouse button will display a similar drop-down menu enabling the user to call the Component Definition manager or to allocate a new component instance. For further information on the editing of components please refer to Basic Components Dialogs.


Net Classes

A net class defines a group of nets that belong together in any certain way. For instance, all nets providing power can be combined into the net class power. By default CST PCB STUDIO provides five default net classes as shown in the figure below:



Selecting a net class and clicking the right mouse button will display a drop-down menu that allows to edit the net class as shown below:



All parameters (Color, Name, Selectable and Visible) can be edit via the Attribute Manager in the View Options window, too (see View Options Window). Selecting the root object Net Classes itself and clicking the right mouse button will display a similar drop-down menu that allows to allocate a new net class instance or to call the Net Class Manager (see Nets and Net Classes).



A net consists of a group of traces, areas and vias which are electrically connected to each other. A trace itself defines a point-to-point section. For further information on the definition and editing of a trace, please refer to Traces. The figure below shows a highlighted net with a branch in its middle:



The structure can be highlighted either by selecting the corresponding net in the Nets folder or by selecting the corresponding three traces in the Traces folder as shown in the figure below:




Apart from traces, areas are the second geometric structure type a net can consist of. As with a trace, an area is always located on a special metallic layer. For further information on the definition and editing of an area, please refer to Areas. The figure below shows a highlighted area which covers the whole layer of a PCB:



The corresponding selection in the Areas folder of the Navigation Tree is shown in the figure below:





A via is the third geometric structure type a net can consist of. A via provides the vertical connection between traces or areas, which are located on different layers. An important data structure a via refers to is the pad stack. Pad stacks are defined in the Pad Stacks sub folder, which is located inside the Technology folder. For further information on the definition and editing of vias, please refer to Vias and Pad Stacks. The figure below shows a highlighted via:



The corresponding selection in the Vias folder of the Navigation Tree is shown in the figure below:





The figure below shows a list of many nets which is typical for a PCB:



The filter function can be used to reduce the number of visible objects in the Navigation Tree. The most general filter function is filtering by "Name".  Therefore, Name has to be selected in the drop-down menu on the right bottom side (see figure above). In a next step, the corresponding string parts plus some suitable asterisks (*) have to be entered in the field below. After pressing the Return button the view elements will be reduced to the matching elements:



In addition, there are two further filter functions: by "Net" and by "Net Class". If  you repeat the filtering with the same string ("data*") but with the setting Net or Net Class(instead of Name), not only the corresponding nets but also the traces, areas and vias, which are related to these nets or net classes, will be listed (see figure below):



Selection options

In general, there are two possibilities to select an object (net, component, trace, area,via):  The first option is to select the object directly in the Navigation Tree (by using the left mouse button). After selecting the object, it will be highlighted in the Main View as far as the chosen attributes in the View Options Window allow any visualization at all (see View Option Window). To make sure that the selected object can be highlighted, the user is recommended to switch on All Layers and All Nets inside the corresponding tabs of the View Options Window and to set all listed layers and nets to Visible as shown in the figure below:



The second option is to select the object in the Main View by double mouse clicking on the corresponding structure. This will highlight the structure in the Main View but will also select and mark the corresponding entry in the Navigation Tree.  Because of the layers being on top of each other, the selection in the Main View is not always clear. In order to get a better control, the View Options Window provides the possibility to decide which layers (or nets) should be selectable at all. This can be done with the help of the column Selectable as shown in the figure below (see also View Options Window):



Selecting in the Main View allows for a quick and convenient exploration of the PCB. A useful additional function for this purpose is the flag Only selected items as can be seen in the figure below. If the flag is activated only objects, which are selected in the Main View, will be displayed in the Navigation Tree:



The result of both selection options will be the same either the selection is chosen via the Navigation Tree or via the Main View.



As a prerequisite to select structures with any of the two selection options the Selection view mode for the left mouse button has to be activated by View: Mouse Control as shown in the figure below: