Selection Manager

The check boxes inside the frame Select (below the Navigation Tree) give various options for the Selection Manager. It provides extended selection functionality especially designed in combination with the direct selecting option in the Main View.




Before using the Selection Manager it is strongly recommended to tag all Layers and Nets inside the View Options window as Selectable (see View Options Window).


In order to demonstrate the effect of the extended selection functions on the selection in the Navigation Tree, the flag Only selected items should be tagged as shown in the figure below:



Entire nets & Nets connected

It is often the case that a whole signal channel is split into two different nets which are separated by a series resistor. In order to select both nets at once, one has to tag the & Nets connected flag as shown in the figure below:



The effect is shown in the figure below: only net data[1] (the long horizontal net) was selected by the user but the short net data[0], which is connected to the bottom side of the resistor, was selected automatically, too.



Both nets are also selected in the Navigation Tree as shown in the figure below:




Entire nets & Components connected

It is often convenient to get all components, which are connected to a selected net, highlighted as well. In order to do this, one has to tag the & Components connected flag as shown in the figure below:



Repeating the selection procedure explained in the last section will also highlight the components now (as shown in the figure below):



The three connected components are also selected in the Navigation Tree as shown in the figure below:




Net classes

If one is interested in all nets which are of the same net class type as the selected net, the flag Net classes has to be tagged. The figure below shows all nets of net class single-ended. They were all selected by only selecting a single, arbitrary net of this net class type:



Inside the Navigation Tree the net class single-ended is automatically highlighted as shown in the figure below:





A net consists of traces, areas and vias which are electrically connected. A trace itself defines a point-to-point section. If the user is interested in selecting a special trace (not in the entire net ), the Traces flag has to be tagged as shown in the figure below:



When selecting a net structure, not the entire net will be highlighted but only the special trace that was hit by the mouse pointer as shown in the figure below:



The corresponding trace will be also highlighted in the Trace folder of the Navigation Tree as shown in the figure below:





If the user is interested in a special area (and not in the rest of the entire net), the Areas flag has to be tagged. The selection mechanism works identically to the procedure explained in the section Traces.



If  the user is interested in the selection of a special via (and not in the rest of the entire net), the Vias flag has to be tagged. The selection mechanism works identical to the procedure explained in the section Traces.