Layers Stackup

Edit: Check LayoutStackup

All PCBs have got a certain layer stack with a particular number of layers. Although the number of layers is normally defined in the PCB design input files, the corresponding layer stack itself  (the so called technology) is often not. If the technology is defined in  the PCB design input file(s) it will be automatically imported during the EDA import. If the technology is not defined, then certain default values will be used during the import and since the stack up technology has a big influence on the high frequency behavior, it should be reviewed after a PCB import in any case. The Stackup Manager shows all layers at a glance:



Some of the parameters in the tabular view can be edited. This is possible by double-clicking on the corresponding item and after that by entering the new value or changing the selection in the appearing pull-down menu. Certain parameters like Number (third column) can’t be changed because they are set automatically.


Number of layers: Displays the number of all conductive layers in the stack up.

Board thickness: Displays the overall thickness of the PCB. The value depends on how the thickness of the dielectric layers is interpreted. There are two different options which can be selected in the field Prepreg.

Length units: Defines the unit for all geometric length values.

Total thickness: The total thickness is the sum of the Board thickness and additional, artificial layers. There are two kind of artificial layers: Enclosure and Mirror Plane which are explained at the bottom of this page (see Create New Layer).

Prepreg: Defines how the  thicknesses of the dielectric layers are interpreted. There are two possibilities: Effective or Nominal and the difference is explained in the figure below:


In case of  Nominal the thickness of the dielectric layers are interpreted from the lower dielectric interface to the upper dielectric interface. The conductive structures of a signal laying along a dielectric interface are impressed in either the dielectric layer above or below. This can be chosen within the column Fill. The overall board thickness is the sum of all dielectric layers plus the two signal layers at the top and bottom of the board. No inner signal layer contributes to the board thickness. A disadvantage of the Nominal interpretation is that the distances between two conductive layers are not given directly.

In the case of Effective the thickness of a dielectric layer specifies the distance between the attached conductive layers. The filling of the void space inside the conductive layers is not fixed by the given data. The filling actually happens through flow processes from the adjacent dielectric substrates during the manufacturing process. Naturally the nature of the dielectric layer (Core / Prepreg) determines how the void filling happens. Here, the program automatically fills the void space according to the above / below specification inside the column Fill. The overall board thickness is the sum of all dielectric and all signal layer. The advantage of the Effective interpretation is that the distances between two conductive layers are given directly by the thickness of the corresponding dielectric layer in between.

Most of the EDA design tools provide the dielectric layer thickness data according to the Effective specification. But it is recommended to assure the setting for every new PCB project, because the interpretation influences the high-frequency behavior of the layout.


Create LDF File...: Offers the export of the current layer stack up definition into a Layer Definition File.

Read LDF File...: Offers the import of an existing Layer Definition File. When reading a LDF file, the number of layers are automatically checked the user is prompted if the number of layers mismatch.

Layer Name: Includes the name of the layers which are also displayed in  View Options Window. The fields inside this column can be edited.

Type: There are three types of layers: a dielectric type called Dielectric, and two conductive types: Signal and Plane. The fields inside this column actually can not be edited. But in case of a conductive layer, there is the possibility to switch between the default setting Signal and the optional setting Plane.


Transform to Signal and Delete Areas

Sometimes it is useful that all non-conducting areas on a conductive layer with different signal structures (traces, areas and vias) can be filled with metal. This can be done in a three-step procedure which is explained in the following example. The figure below shows a metallic layer with two bigger drill holes at the top and the bottom side. The layer should be repaired by removing the two drill holes.



Step 1: The corresponding layer type in the Stackup Manager has to be switched to Plane as shown in the figure below:



After doing so, two additional buttons called Transform to Signal and Delete Areas are automatically activated. Furthermore, the last two columns Spacing and Signal Name are activated. There is a default Spacing value of 7.87 mil (= 0.2 mm) and the new metallic structure has been given the default name GND.  The Main View shows the new filled metallic layer in overlap with the old structures:



Step 2: Now, all areas from the old layer definition shall be removed. This can be done by pressing the Delete Areas button. After doing so the program informs the user on the number of deleted areas and after pressing OK, the new layer can be seen in the Main View:



The drill holes has been removed but now, all signal vias (and in case of existing traces, traces too) are electrically connected to the new metallic structure with the signal name GND.


Step 3: In order to isolate the still existing traces and vias which belong to other nets than GND, the Transform to Signal button has to be pressed. After doing so, the non-GND vias are isolated by the given spacing distance again as shown in the figure below:




Number: Displays the number of the metallic layer. The fields inside this column can not be edited.

Material: Displays the material of the corresponding layer. The fields inside this column can be edited.

Thickness: Displays the thickness of the layers. In case of a dielectric layers, this value is interpreted differently according to the settings in the field Prepreg. The fields inside this column can be edited. The minimum thickness of any inner dielectric must be bigger than the sum of the adjacent signal layers. If this condition is violated an error message will be prompted.

Conductivity: Displays the conductivity for the metallic layers. The fields inside this column can be edited.

Permittivity: Displays the relative permittivity of the dielectric layers. The fields inside this column can be edited.

Loss Angle tan(): Displays the loss angle  of the dielectric layers. The fields inside this column can be edited.


Fill: Determines if a trace or an area on a signal layer shall be embedded into the dielectric  above or  below the corresponding dielectric interface. This has a direct influence on the mutual distance between the single signal layers as the following image illustrates.



The left side of the picture shows a layer stack where each signal layer is separated from the other signal layers by exactly one dielectric layer in-between. At the right side of the picture the resulting geometry is shown if the top three signal layers are of fill type Above and the bottom three signal layers are of fill type Below. In order to give an example: signal layer 1 is placed on top of dielectric layer 1 and embedded into the environment dielectric (e.g. air). Signal layer 4 is placed on the bottom of dielectric layer 3 and embedded into dielectric layer 4. Note: The interpretation of the thickness of the dielectric layers is determined by the settings inside the field Prepreg.


Spacing: see Transform to Signal and Delete Areas.

Signal Name: see Transform to Signal and Delete Areas.


At the right hand side of the Layer Stackup table there is a list of buttons enabling a convenient handling of the layers inside the table:


Create New Layer: Pressing this icon will open the following dialog box:



The dialog box allows the creation of different types of layers:  

Enclosure: An enclosure layer is similar to a signal layer: any number of enclosure layers can be added to the layer stackup, separated by dielectric layers, of course. The difference to signal layers is, however, that enclosure layers lie outside the board geometry, above the top layer or below the bottom layer of the board. An enclosure layers may include any arbitrary conductor geometry including areas, traces or vias. In this way one is able to replicate metallic enclosures that cover printed circuit boards.


Mirror Plane: A mirror plane is a perfectly grounded infinitely expanded metallic layer. Mirror planes are not subdivided into finite elements for modeling and simulation but treated in an analytical way (Green’s functions) by using mirror charges or mirror currents. That is the most effective procedure to deal with large ground reference planes. Of course, all capacitances and inductances between the PCB, any enclosure and the mirror planes are automatically considered. A maximum number of two mirror planes can be defined only.