
Edit: Edit LayoutNew Area

The dialog box is also available via Navigation Tree: AreasNew Area.  A  right mouse click on Areas opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the New Area dialog box:



An area consists of one Outline. In addition to this outline the area can have an arbitrary number of Cutouts. The form of a cutout is defined exactly as a outline but its area is interpreted as "negative" in order to punch out the corresponding hole.


Net... / Layer...: A new area has to be assigned to a certain net on a certain layer. In the figure above net  (Net0)-1 on layer LYR_1 was selected.

Cutouts frame:  Inside the frame a new cutout can be generated by pressing the button New.  A new cutout is automatically added to the list of Cutouts inside the frame Available shapes.

Available shapes frame: The frame contains the Outline and an empty list of Cutouts by default. By selecting the Outline item with the left mouse button its default shape definition is displayed in the Selected shape frame on the right side.

Units: This field allows the user to select the unit the geometrical entries below should refer to. After entering the geometry a change of the units inside this field does not change the geometric size of the area anymore.


Selected shape frame: There are four different shape types which can be defined inside this frame


Rectangle defined by:

Circle defined by:

Polygon consists of a list of points which are to be defined inside the Points frame. The tool bar on the right provides five functions:  

Arc Outline consists of a list of arc segments. Every arc segment is defined by a point, a segment type and the corresponding radius ( in case of segment type equals clock-wise or counter clock wise).



Navigation Tree: Areas Edit  (item Area)

All areas are stored in Navigation Tree: Areas.  Selecting a certain area and performing a  right mouse click opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the Edit dialog box, which is similar to the New Area dialog. In order to edit the area one has simply to edit the corresponding entries inside the dialog box. An example of an existing area to be edited is shown in the figure below:



Inside the Edit Area dialog box there is an additional Shaping frame. It includes two functions allowing for repairing and smoothing critical area shapes, which might lead to meshing problems:



An area overlapping with another structure (trace, area), which does not belong to the same net, is not allowed and will be reported as an error from the Layout Check (see Layout Check). The Repair function allows the user to introduce a slot of a certain width along the overlapping border of the two structures in order to separate the two structures. The figure below shows an trace intersecting with an area:



Pressing the Repair button within the Area Edit dialog box of the area will display the Repair Shape dialog box as shown in the figure below:



The Spacing value defines the width of the slot to be introduced. The units of the width are according to the specified length unit. After pressing OK the area is repaired as shown in the figure below.





When existing PCB layouts are imported via the EDA import it sometimes occurs that some areas have  bumpy shapes. Rugged, bumpy shapes can cause failures during meshing and, as a consequence, instabilities during the simulation. Smoothing helps to reduce the number of points of a bumpy polygon and therefore, smoothed shapes can be meshed more efficiently. The figure below shows the corresponding dialog box:



Set default smooth values: Provides a set of values for the three parameter fields: Minimum angle for smoothing, Minimum segment length for smoothing and Maximum line deviation for smoothing. There are four different sets of values:

Minimum angle for smoothing: Sets the minimum angle

Minimum segment length for smoothing: The values are interpreted with the specified length units.

Maximum line deviation for smoothing: Specifies the maximal value which the smoothed polygon is allowed to deviate from the original polygon. The values are interpreted with the specified length units. Setting this parameter to zero means to switch off smoothing.

Consider neighbours while smoothing: This flag prevents the smoothing function from creating overlaps between shapes next to the smoothed one.

Preview: Allows the user to preview the smoothed area in the Main View and allows the user to check the result in advance.


Edit the areas's geometry by mouse: This second way of editing an area can be done if the Legacy Viewer is activated (see Layout Viewer). If a certain area has been selected and the corresponding Edit Area dialog box has been opened, the area itself will be highlighted in the Main View as shown in the figure below:



All defined shapes (outline and cutouts) are marked and displayed with the help of a black-and-white rubber band. Small squares in light blue color indicate all points that can be picked and moved in order to change the corresponding shapes. After switching the mouse pointer into the Selection mode  with View: Mouse ControlSelection



a certain square symbol from any shape (the outline or any cutout) can be picked and dragged as it was done in the figure below:



The values of the corresponding point of the corresponding shape (inside the dialog box) will be changed automatically. In order to acknowledge the new position of the point, the button Apply has to be pressed.