Changing the Structure's View

You may change the view to your structure at any time by some simple commands that will be explained in the following section.

The view will change whenever you drag the mouse while holding the left button pressed, depending on the mode selected. The mode may be selected either from the Ribbon by choosing View: Mouse Control  Zoom/Pan/Rotate


View: VisibilityView Options

The drop-down box includes a collection of several convenient tools:


View: Visibility Hide/  Show All

The two buttons include functions to quickly hide or unhide selected/unselected objects


View: Visibility Object Spy Frame

Displays an additional window in the upper right corner of the Main View. The window includes information on the corresponding object the mouse curser is currently touching.



View: Visibility Pin Names

Displays the pin names of all components.


View: Mouse Control


View: Change View


View: Units

In contrast to other applications in the CST STUDIO SUITE, CST PCB STUDIO doesn't allow to change the size of an existing PCB by a simple change of the unit. It only allows the user to display and handle the PCB with different units by keeping the actual size of the PCB. The appropriate unit can be chosen by this pull-down menu


View: Color


Main View Window: Drop down menu via right mouse click

All functions available via the View ribbon are also available by showing the corresponding drop-down menu via a right-mouse click in the Main View Window: