
Edit: Edit LayoutNew Trace

The dialog box is also available via Navigation Tree: TracesNew Trace. A  right mouse click on Traces opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the New Trace dialog box.



Net... / Layer...: A new trace has to be assigned to a certain net on a certain layer. In the figure above net  (Net0)-1 on layer LYR_1 was selected.

Units: This field allows the user to select the unit the geometrical entries below should refer to. After entering the geometry a change of the units inside this field does not change the geometric size of the trace anymore.

Width:  This field allows the user to assign the width for the trace. The cross-section of a trace is always assumed to be rectangular. The thickness of the trace is defined through the definition of the corresponding layer thickness. For more details see Layers Stackup.

Points: Inside this field a flat polygon with an arbitrary number of points can be defined. The tool bar on right hand side of the field provides five functions:

Which function belongs to which symbol can be easily determined.  Simply move the mouse pointer over a special symbol and the corresponding function will be displayed in a small text field. After pressing Ok the current settings will be accepted.



Navigation Tree: Nets Edit  (item: Net)

All traces are stored in Navigation Tree: Traces.  Selecting a certain trace and performing a  right mouse click opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the Edit dialog box, which is exactly the same dialog as for the generation of a new trace. In order to edit the trace one simply has to edit the corresponding entries inside the dialog box. An example of an existing trace to be edited is shown in the figure below:



Edit the trace's geometry by mouse: This second way of editing a trace can be done if the Legacy Viewer is activated (see Layout Viewer). If a certain trace has been selected and the corresponding Edit Trace dialog box has been opened, the trace itself will be highlighted in the Main View as shown in the figure below:



All points that are defined in the point list  are marked and displayed as small squares in light blue color as shown in the  figure above. After switching the mouse pointer into the Selection mode  with View: Mouse ControlSelection



a certain square symbol can be picked and dragged as it was done in the figure below:




The values of the corresponding point in the point list (inside the dialog box) will be changed automatically. In order to acknowledge the new position of the point, the button Apply has to be pressed.