New Net, Edit Net and Net Classes Manager

Edit: Edit LayoutNew Net

The dialog box is also available via Navigation Tree: Nets New Net.  The corresponding dialog box can be opened by right-mouse click and selecting New Net in the pull-down menu.




Navigation Tree: Nets Edit  Net.

All nets are stored in Navigation Tree: Nets.  Selecting a certain net item and performing a right mouse click opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the Edit Net dialog box:



The dialog box shows the current parameter setting for a selected net. In order to change a special parameter value, the user just has to left mouse click in the corresponding field of the right column and edit the value.



Color, Selectable, Visible can also be changed in the View Options Window  (View Options Window).

Net Class can also be changed in the Net Class Manager.


Edit: Check LayoutNet Classes

For a better overview the nets are normally assigned to certain net classes. The three most important net classes are signal, power and ground. Net class signal is divided into two sub net class types: single-ended and differential. The Net Classes Manager allows a quick assignment of nets to their corresponding net class types. Furthermore, it allows the user to create new net class types.


The Net Classes Manager is also available via Navigation Tree: Nets Net Class Manager.



The dialog box consists of two identical frames. In each frame all nets which belong to a certain net class can be listed by selecting the corresponding net class in the drop-down box. On the right hand side of the drop-down box there are three further symbols:


How to assign a net to a certain net class

The figure below shows the net DC_Source which is currently assigned to net class single-ended.



In order to assign the net to net class power, it has to be shifted to the right side. This can be done by selecting the net and pressing the arrow directing to the right side. The result of this step should look like in the figure below: