Vias and Pad Stacks

Edit: Edit LayoutNew Via

The dialog box is also available via Navigation Tree: ViasNew Via.  A  right mouse click on Vias opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the New Via dialog box:



Net...: A new via has to be assigned to a certain net. In the figure above net  (Net0)-1 was selected.

Pad Stack...: The vertical construction of a via is defined with the help of a Pad Stack. Every via has to refer to a certain Pad Stack.

Units: This field enables selecting the unit the geometrical entries below should refer to. After entering the geometry a change of the units inside this field does not change the geometric size of the structure anymore.

Position: Defines the location of the via with the help of x- and y-coordinates.

Rotation: Defines the rotation of the via



Navigation Tree: Vias Edit  (item Via)

All vias are stored in Navigation Tree: Vias. Selecting a certain via and performing a  right mouse click opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the Edit dialog box, which is exactly the same dialog as for the generation of a new via. In order to edit the via one has simply to edit the corresponding entries inside the dialog box. An example of an existing via to be edited is shown in the figure below:




Edit: Edit LayoutPadStack

The dialog box is also available via Navigation Tree: TechnologyPad Stacks.  A  right mouse click on Pad Stacks opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the New Pad Stack dialog box:

In general, a Pad Stack provides the electrical connectivity of a net between different layers (see Layers Stackup). A pad is a small conductive area where traces or component pins (see Component Overview) can be connected. A pad stack itself is a vertical, conductive tube with pads on one or several layers. Pads on different layers may have different shapes.



Display name: Defines the name of the pad stack.

Drill diameter: Specifies the outer drill diameter of the via. The term outer means the sleeve thickness of the metallic tube is included, see figure below:



Sleeve thickness: Defines the thickness of the metallic tube.

Units: This field allows the user to select the unit the geometrical entries below should refer to. After entering the geometry a change of the units inside this field does not change the geometric size of the structure anymore.

Pad shapes frame: The frame lists all layers a pad is located on. Note: For connecting a trace to a via on a certain layer a corresponding pad is not mandatory. It is possible to connect a trace on the pure metallic tube of the via. On the right hand side of the frame there are four buttons providing the following functions:


New: Allows the definition of a  pad on a new layer. This function is only possible if the list of layers (inside the Pad shapes frame)  is missing at least one outstanding layer.

Clone: Copies a pad from to another layer. This function is only possible if the list of layers (inside the Pad shapes frame) is missing at least one available layer.

Delete: Deletes a pad from a certain layer and removes the layer from the layer list.

Edit: Allows to edit an existing pad on a certain layer, see  Edit Pad Shape.


Via span frame: By default the via tube for a pad stack spans from the top layer to the bottom layer.  If a pad stack for a so called buried via shall be defined the user has to specify the Start Layer and the End Layer. In the figure below the via only spans between LYR_2 and LYR_3. Pads which may be defined on LYR_1 (above LYR_2) or LYR_4 (below LYR_3) will be ignored.




Navigation Tree: TechnologyPad StacksEdit  (item: Pad Stack)

All pad stacks are stored in Navigation Tree: TechnologyPad Stacks.  Selecting a certain pad stack and performing a  right mouse click opens a drop-down menu where the user is able to call the Edit dialog box:



Layer...: Defines the layer which the pad is located on.

Cutouts: The frame allows the definition of cutouts which is commonly not important for pad shapes.

Available shapes: Includes the outline (and the commonly not necessary cutouts) of the pad.

Selected shapes: Provides several kind of pad shape types and allow their definition. All geometric entries inside this frame are done in a local coordinate system of the pad stack. The final position of the pads are determined with the via referring to this pad stack definition:


Rectangle defined by:

Circle defined by:

Polygon consists of a list of points which are to be defined inside the Points frame. The tool bar on the right provides five functions:

Track defined by:

Arc Outline consists of a list of arc segments. Every arc segment is defined by a point, a segment type and the corresponding radius (in case of segment type equals clock-wise or counter clock wise).