Select Simulation Task

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Simulation tasks can be customized, added to your project, removed from your project, and enabled or disabled. Each type of task requires specific input and is associated with a well-defined result set. Note that not every task is compatible with every model, as the presence of special components is required, e.g., an S-parameter simulation does not work without external ports, whereas an AC simulation does work.

In this dialog box you can select the task you want to define.


Simulation Task

Select the task you want to define. Tasks are separated into two subgroups:

1. Circuit (S-Parameters, Operating point (DC), AC, Transient, Spectral lines, Mixer, and Amplifier)

2. Generalized (Simulation project and Block)

3. Simulation control (Sequence, Parameter sweep, and Postprocessing).


Displays information about the selected task.


Stores the current settings and leaves the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


See also

Simulation Task Overview