Template Based Postprocessing

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This dialog provides a convenient way to automate the post processing of 1D and 0D results. All the post processing steps defined within this dialog are automatically evaluated after every solver run.

To learn more about template based processing and how to use existing postprocessing result templates please refer to the Template Based Postprocessing Overview. If you are interested in creating your own result templates, please refer to the Post Processing Template Layout page.

Select template group

Selects the template group of which new templates can be added.

Add new post processing step

Adds a new post processing step at the end of the list.

Result name

This is a unique name assigned to the template step. This name can be used to reference the result for a further evaluation in the following steps.


The type of data that will be created by the result template. Please refer to the Template Based Postprocessing Overview for details.

Template name

The name of the template used.


The evaluated result of a 0D result template.


Use the up or down arrow button to change the evaluation order of the template steps.


Opens the parameter dialog of the selected template step.


Delete the selected template in the list.


Evaluates the selected template. The same evaluation is performed after each solver run. In case of 0D result templates the value field is updated, while for the 1D result the data results in the main tree are renewed.


Duplicates the selected template. In order to create a new post processing step it may be more convenient to copy and modify an existing one.

Delete All

Clears the template list.

Evaluate All

Evaluates the whole template list.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.

See also

Template Based Postprocessing Overview, Post Processing Template Layout, Simulation Task Overview