This task is a simple circuit simulation. External ports or DC voltage or current sources are used to define excitations.
Within this dialog box you may specify excitations for the external ports contained in your design. You can either assign an ideal voltage or current source, or you can provide a termination resistance. The value of the termination resistance is derived from the impedance settings of the external port.
Units frame
Global units: Use the global units (that may be defined within the Units dialog box) for this task..
Local units: Select this option to specify local units.
Voltages: Select the local voltage unit here.
Currents: Select the local current unit here.
Excitation settings frame
Port/Source/Value: This list displays the excitations specified for the external ports. If an external port is not associated with an excitation, it will be considered as a resistor during the simulation. There are three possible choices for each port:
’Voltage’ selects an ideal voltage source with the specified value.
’Current’ selects an ideal current source with the specified value.
’Impedance of port’ selects a resistance versus ground. The resistance value is determined by the impedance settings of the external port.
Stores the current settings and closes the dialog box.
Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.
Stores the current settings (without closing the dialog box).
Shows the Solver Specials Dialog.
Shows this help text.
See also