Simulation Task Sequence

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This task groups related tasks into a sequence. It does not simulate your design directly. Instead, it runs all defined sub-tasks.

A simulation task of this type does not generate results by itself. The results of the sub-tasks can be accessed from the navigation tree.


Loop task sequence

Activating this option will update the sub-tasks in a loop rather than updating them only once. If this option is checked, the Maximum number of iterations has to be specified as an upper limit. In addition, a stopping criterion may be defined by activating the option Define stopping criterion.

Maximum number of iterations

Specify the maximum number of iterations for looping over the list of sub-tasks which will be performed if a stopping criterion is either not specified or not met during the loop.

Define stopping criterion

If the Loop task sequence option is activated, checking this setting allows to define a stopping criterion for looping over the list of sub-tasks. The loop will stop once either the Maximum number of iterations is reached or the stopping criterion is met (whichever occurs earlier).

Result (0D)

If the Define stopping criterion option is checked, this setting allows to select a 0D result from one of the postprocessing sub-tasks. This result will be evaluated and checked against the Target by using the Operator at the end of each iteration over the sub-tasks. The loop will stop once the stopping criterion is met.


This setting defines the comparison operator which will be used for comparing the Target value against the selected 0D postprocessing task Result in order to evaluate the stopping criterion.


This setting defines the value which will be used together with the comparison operator in order to evaluate the stopping criterion.


Closes this dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


See also

Simulation Task Overview