S-Parameter Simulation Task

Home:  New Task S-Parameters S-Parameter

Navigation Tree: Tasks <Task Name> Properties S-Parameter

Within this dialog box, you can define the settings for a S-Parameter simulation. You can specify a frequency range and a number of frequency steps to sample this range. Inside this range, the S-Parameter will be calculated.

An S-Parameter simulation requires the presence of external ports inside the schematic. The resulting S-Parameters are calculated with respect to these ports. After the execution of a S-Parameter task, the results can be accessed inside the navigation tree via the ’S-Parameters’ item below the task tree item.

Frequency Limits frame

Lower Limit: Shows the lower frequency limit.

Upper Limit: Shows the upper frequency limit.

Units frame

Global units: Use the global frequency unit (that may be defined within the Units dialog box)  for this task.

Local units: Select this option to specify a local frequency unit.

Frequencies: Select the local frequency unit.

S-Parameter settings

Maximum frequency range: Check this control if you want to use the maximum frequency range given by the lower and upper limit.

Fmin: Specify the lower limit manually.

Fmax: Specify the upper limit manually.

Number of frequency samples: Specify the number of samples in the frequency range.

Logarithmic Sweep: Distributes the frequency samples logarithmically.

Individual blocks

Create S-parameter results for single blocks: Choose this option to generate S-parameter results for the single blocks.

S-parameter interpolation scheme:

The import of results usually requires some data resampling. That resampling implies the application of an interpolation scheme. S-parameter data can be interpolated in one of the two following ways:

Real/Imaginary: Choose this option to interpolate the complex S-parameters by separately interpolating real part and imaginary part. The magnitude and the phase will show some interpolation error then.

Magnitude/Phase: Choose this option to interpolate the complex S-parameters by separately interpolating magnitude and phase. The real and imaginary parts will show some interpolation error then.


Stores the current settings and closes the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Stores the current settings (without closing the dialog box).


Shows the Solver Specials Dialog.


Shows this help text.


See also

Simulation Task Overview