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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Running Simulations   

Running Simulations

After you specify how Designer is to compute the solution, you need to begin the solution process.


To run a simulation:

1. Select a solution setup in the project tree.

2. Right click the project name and select Analyze, or select EM Design > Analyze.

Designer computes the 3D field solution inside the structure. Each solution setup is solved in the order it appears in the project tree.

To run more than one analysis at a time, follow the same procedure while a simulation is running. The next solution setup will be solved when the previous solution is complete.




If a linked dependency in the setup is already simulating (for example, due to setup links to the same external source for a near or far field wave, or a magnetic bias), Designer will not allow another dependent simulation to start until the first use of the source has completed.


Related Topics

Solving a Single Setup

Running More Than One Simulation

Specifying the Analysis Options

HFSS Model Extents

Running Remote Analysis

Monitoring the Solution Process

Monitoring Queued Simulations

Changing a Solution Priority

Aborting Analysis

Re-solving a Problem


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