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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Running Simulations >
   Monitoring the Solution Process       

Monitoring the Solution Process

While a simulation is running, you can monitor the solution’s progress in the Progress window. Above the red progress bar, messages describe the setup and step. The progress bar shows the relative progress of each step. Under the bar, messages note the part of the design being solved, and give memory estimates during the factoring process.

You can also view the following solution data at any time during or after the solution:

• The convergence data:

• The matrices computed for the S-parameters, impedances, and propagation constants.

• A profile of status of the adaptive analysis, including the number of valid passes completed.


To view the Solutions window:

1. Right-click the solution Setup in the project tree.
A shortcut menu appears.

2. Select Convergence, Matrix Data or Profile from the shortcut menu.

The Solutions window appears with the corresponding tab selected and the current data displayed.

For “out of core” problems, different amounts of memory may be used for factorization as opposed to solution. As a result, the factorization amount that is displayed under the progress bar may be quite different from the solution amount that is calculated for the profile.


To view the status of the adaptive analysis:

• Click EM Design > Results > Browse Solutions

The Solutions dialog box appears with the Browse tab selected. It displays data about the number of valid passes completed. It contains a tree structure showing the solutions listed according to Setup, Solution, and Variation. A table lists the Setup, the solution, the sweep variable, and the state of the solution (Valid, Invalid, or No Solution).

• You can use the Properties button to display a dialog that lets you change the way the Setup, Solution, and Variation are listed in the tree structure of the Solutions dialog.

• The Statistics tab of the Solutions dialog displays path information, as well as format, number of files, and size.

• You can delete one or more solutions by selecting from the table and clicking Delete. Click on a solution to select it, and use Ctrl-click to select multiple solutions, or Shift-click to select a range of solutions. You can also select all solutions using the Select All button.




If Designer loses its license, it waits for the license to be regained, checking every 2 minutes or until you abort.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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