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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Running Simulations >
   Aborting Analyses       

Aborting Analyses

To end the solution process before it is complete:

• In the Progress window, click Abort.

Designer ends the analysis immediately.

If you aborted the solution in the middle of an adaptive pass, the data for that pass or current frequency point is deleted. Any solutions that were completed prior to the one that was aborted are still available.

The solutions that are available depend on when you aborted. For example, if you stopped the solution while a post-processing macro was executing, the field solution computed for that setup is still available.

To abort the solution process after the current adaptive pass or solved frequency point is complete:

• Right-click the Progress window, and click Clean Stop on the shortcut menu.

Designer ends the analysis after the next solved pass or frequency point.

If you request a clean stop between the third and fourth adaptive pass, the solutions for the third and fourth pass will be available.

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