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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Running Simulations >
   Specifying the Analysis Options       

Specifying the Analysis Options

You can specify the machine on which you want the simulation to run. If you do not want projects to run concurrently, you may specify the option to queue projects.

1. Click Tools > Options > General Options. The General Options window appears.

2. Click the Analysis Options tab.

3. Select the Prompt for analysis machine when launching analysis check box.

4. Under Analysis Machine Options, select whether the default analysis machine should be the local machine (Local), a remote machine (Remote), or whether analysis should be distributed across multiple machines (Distributed).

a. If you selected Remote, enter the default analysis machine information either as an IP address, a DNS name, or a UNC name. See Remote Analysis.

b. If you selected Distributed, you can add machines to a list, or edit an existing list of machines. Select the Edit button to display the Distributed Analysis Machines dialogue. Here you specify an IP address, a DNS name, or a UNC name for each machien to add to the list. Control buttons let you Add Machine to List or Remove machines from the list. For more information, see distributed analysis.

When the distributed option is set, we will use machines from the distributed list even for non-distributed solves. In that case, for multiple non-distributed solves, it uses machines one at a time from the Machines for Distributed Analysis list, starting from the first machine and moving down. To control the list order, select one or more machines, and use the Move up or Move down buttons. Click OK to accept the changes and close the Distributed Analysis Machines dialog. The machines are listed in the Analysis Machines Options field in alphabetical order, rather than the distributed list order.

Regardless of the machine(s) on which the analysis is actually run, the number of processors and Desired RAM Limit settings, and the default process priority settings are read from the machine from which you launch the analysis.

5. Select the Send analysis request as: radio button to specify either the Current User (the default) or the Specified User.


If any machines are Unix-based, Current User must be selected. You can only have one remote analysis user configuration on Unix.

6. Enter details for the user who would be running the simulations. You need to specify the User Name, Password and the Domain/Workgroup information.

7. Select the Queue all simulations check box to allow subsequent simulations to wait in a queue, till the currently running simulation solves completely.

8. Click OK.


The Designer Server Setup window does not appear when the Queue all simulations check box is selected, even if you select the Prompt for analysis machine when launching analysis check box. This happens because Designer does not queue simulations that will be running on different machines, since they can run concurrently.


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