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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Running Simulations >
   Solving a Single Setup       

Solving a Single Setup


To solve a single sweep under a specific solution setup:

1. In the project tree, under the design you want to analyze, select the setup icon of interest, and right click to display the shortcut menu.

2. Click Analyze on the shortcut menu.

The analysis proceeds on the selected sweep.


To solve two or more sweeps or two or more parametric analyses under a setup:

Configure two or more machines for a distributed analysis. See Remote Analysis for configuration issues, and Analysis Options Tab for setting up the Designer General Options.

1. In the project tree, under the design you want to solve, right-click the setup icon that includes the sweeps of interest.

2. Click Analyze on the shortcut menu.

Each solution sweep under that setup is solved in the order it appears in the project tree, using the available machines.


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