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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
HFSS Port Setup in Designer   

HFSS Port Setup in Designer

HFSS ports in Designer are created the same way as edge-ports, pad-ports, and pins in Planar EM, and the HFSS attributes and sizing information are all available as properties. The same considerations for a successful port setup in HFSS-3D are required for HFSS in Designer. This includes port sizes, appropriate return paths, and verifying port types as being appropriate for the particular application that is being designed and simulated.

Designer automates the following processes to ensure the successful setup of HFSS ports:

• Automatic reference location (with override option)

• Automatic port-geometry generation (with sizing override option)

• Automatic terminal identification

• Numerous pre-solve validation checks, with messaging to alert you when something is wrong

The following sections describe the setup and usage of the various HFSS ports available in Designer.


The topics for this section include:

HFSS Port Types

Ports for Transmission Lines

Ports for Imported Package and PCB Structures

Creating Pin-Based Ports

Gap(coax) Ports

Horizontal Lumped Ports

CPW and Slotline Ports

Configuring Multiple Ports

Validating Connectivity and Return Paths


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