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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
HFSS Port Setup in Designer >
   Ports for Imported Package and PCB Structures       

Ports for Imported Package and PCB Structures

From a geometrical perspective, a pin is nothing more than a via. However, pins must also provide a logical interface (i.e. a port) to the design in the schematic view. This means that all pins must publish an external port and the associated geometry for HFSS analysis.

Pins are crucial in HFSS because they are a fundamental element in most layout data models, so any translated designs will likely include them. While it is possible to interactively assign ports based on edges and primitive geometry, this approach scales poorly, particularly when pins already exist. Also, in HFSS, pins can be toggled to create internal PEC or RLC boundary conditions just like HFSS-3D.


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