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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Adding a Solution Setup   

Adding a Solution Setup

After you draw a model and define its excitations, you need to specify how Designer will compute the solution. You can define more than one set of solution parameters to solve. Each set appears as one setup in the project tree. You can choose two types of analysis setup for an EM Design depending on the solver you wish to use: PlanarEM or HFSS.


To add a solution setup to a design.

Each set of solution parameters to be solved by Designer is listed as a setup under Analysis in the project tree. To add a new solution setup to a project using basic, initial meshing tools, use one of the following:

• On the EM Design menu, point to Solution Setup, and then click Add Planar EM Solution Setup or Add HFSS Solution Setup.

• Or right-click Analysis in the project tree and then click Add Planar EM Solution Setup or Add HFSS Solution Setup.

• Or click the Add Planar EM Solution Setup toolbar icon or the Add HFSS Solution Setup toolbar icon.

A PlanarEM or HFSS setup dialog box opens. The easiest way to set up a solution is to accept the Fixed Mesh and Frequency defaults that appear in the PlanarEM or HFSS setup dialog box and then click OK, which automatically opens the Sweep dialog.


Simply click OK to accept the sweep with the suggested defaults. Alternately, you can change the default values or add more setups by referring to one or more of the following sections.



The topics for this section include:

Specifying Solution Settings

Mesh Continuity

Mesh Self-Intersecting

Adding Modeling Properties

Adding Frequency Sweeps

Disable a Frequency Sweep

Disable an Analysis Setup

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