I/O Device Modeling

There are two main modeling aspects on I/O Devices. The first is to model the behavior of the Input/Output system, the second to model the behavior of the device's power consumption system. Both aspects can be treated within one table (see figure below). The aspect  that should be modeled decides on which data fields are to be filled.


Input/Output Modeling

The central element of Input/Output Modeling is the signal pin. Modeling the I/O system means modeling the current- and voltage relations at the switching output and the receiving input pins (both the switching output and the receiving input pin are considered signal pin). An important characteristic of the signal pin is its inner, typically non-linear impedance, which has an impact on reflections and over- and undershoots of the transmitted signal.  In general, every signal pin has to be modeled independently by assigning an appropriate Signal Model (exception: differential signal model, see below). A Signal Model includes the inner characteristic impedance (linear or non-linear) and the transition behavior during the high-low state changes (rising and falling wave forms). In addition to the Signal Model, a Stimulus has to be assigned providing the corresponding bit sequence for the signal pin. The I/O Modeling of a certain pin is a prerequisite for its usage within a SI-TD analysis (see SITD).

The electric current sent out through an output pin has to be delivered by a certain pair of power-ground pins. In reality, this has an impact on the voltage between the supplying pair (voltage ripples, power/ground bounce). CST PCB STUDIO considers the current supply ideal. An internal feedback from the output pin back to the power/ground pins is not accounted for.

In order to prepare a certain pin for I/O Modeling the following fields in the corresponding row of the table has to be filled:


Power Consumption Modeling

The central element of Power Consumption Modeling is a pair of  power and  ground pin (or more general: a pair of power and ground pin groups, see below). There are two general reasons for power consumption: First, power (or current) is needed to supply the I/O signaling. Second, the internal processes of the device need power, too. The first case can not be considered as mentioned above (see I/O Modeling). The second case is considered for DC within the IR-Drop analysis (see IR-Drop).

In order to prepare a certain pin for Power Consumption Modeling, the following fields in the corresponding row of the table has to be filled:


Table for I/O Device Modeling

The table consists of an upper and a lower part. The upper part consists of only two rows: the top row lists the available column types (Pin, Net, Pin Type, ...). The row below is the selection row and includes the data of the currently selected row inside the lower part. The lower part provides the actual data table. There are as many rows in the table as device pins. Whether a certain data field in a row is needed or not depends on the selected Pin Type.

The rows of the lower data table can be sorted in an alphabetic order (upwards / downwards) according to any of the available column types. For example, in order to sort the table data according to net names, the user has to double click on the Net field inside the top row!

The table provides a multi-selection feature: For example in order to assign a certain Signal Model to two different signal pins, the corresponding rows in the table can be selected with <shift><left mouse button> (see figure below). The Pin- and Net names in the selection row automatically turn to "..." (means: no unique name is possible). Next, the user has to double click on the Signal Model field inside the selection row! A pull-down menu enables the user to specify a certain Signal Model which is then assigned to both pins.



Pin: The column lists all pins of the corresponding device.


Net: The column lists the nets the corresponding pins are connected to.


Pin Type

The pin type can not be chosen but depends on the net class of the connected net. If the pin type should be changed the corresponding net class of the connected net has to be changed by using the Net_Classes_Manager.


Ground Ref

A Ground Reference has to be specified for a power pin and optionally for a signal pin. As a prerequisite one ground pin has to exist at least. The combination power pin / ground reference pin builds a port to which a DC current can be assigned during an IR-Drop analysis (see IR-Drop). The combination power pin / signal pin /ground pin builds an I/O driver used to switch current from the power- to the ground conductors via the voltage on the signal pin (see SITD).


In order to have a ground reference pin assigned to all signal and all power pins automatically, the user can press the Ground Refs ... button at the top of the table. The corresponding dialog box proposes to assign the ground pin which is closest to a signal (or power) pin as reference.



The second option "Reference & group all pins in range" performs to actions in one. If first groups all ground pins within a certain range (see section Pin Group below). In a second step the ground pin group which is closest to a signal (or power) pin will be assigned as reference.


Power  Ref

A Power Reference can  optionally be specified for a signal pin. The combination power pin / signal pin /ground pin builds an I/O driver used to switch current from the power- to the ground conductors via the voltage on the signal pin (see SITD).


In order to have a power reference pin assigned to all signal pins automatically, the user can press the Power Refs ... button at the top of the table. The corresponding dialog box proposes to assign the power pin which is closest to a signal  pin as reference.



The second option "Reference & group all pins in range" performs to actions in one. If first groups all power pins within a certain range (see section Pin Group below). In a second step the power pin group which is closest to a signal  pin will be assigned as reference.



Pin Group

Pins of type power and ground can be grouped together. From an electrical modeling point of view this means all pins within a group will be shorted and will have the same electrical potential. As default, every Pin Group includes its own pin, see figure below:



In order to group the ground pins, we start by double clicking on the corresponding Pin Group field of pin IC5551-14. A drop down menu opens providing the two further ground pins IC5551-22 and IC5551-33 as shown in the figure below:



After selecting IC5551-22 both ground pins are grouped together as indicated by the name IC5551-14,22:



Repeating the procedure by double clicking on the Pin Group IC5551-14,22 and selecting the remaining ground pin IC5551-33 results in the Pin Group IC5551-14,22,33 as shown in the figure below:



In order to split pin IC5551-14 from the Pin Group, double click in its Pin Group field and select Split terminal as shown in the figure below:



As a result, pin IC5551-14 is separated again and builds its own Pin Group as shown in the figure below:



Note: if there are more pins to be added to a group the multi -selection feature mentioned above can be used (see Table_for_IO_Device_Modeling).


Signal Model

Three different types of signal models are available: Pulse, IBIS and Differential. In order to change/edit the existing signal model, double click on the corresponding Signal Model field and choose Edit... from the pull-down menu.


Pulse (default excitation):

Defines a linear voltage ramp in combination with an inner resistance. In addition, pull-up / pull-down capacitances and a simple equivalent circuit for the pin parasitics can be specified inside the Specials frame:



The internal circuit topology of the Pulse model is shown in the figure below. The linear voltage ramp and the inner resistance is made up by a combination of two voltage controlled current sources.




There are two main differences between the standard Pulse and the IBIS-pin-model: the first is the possibility to substitute the linear voltage ramp of the Pulse (consisting of V-amplitude and V-rise/fall) with a more accurate V(t)-characteristics. The second is the possibility to substitute the linear inner resistance (R-inner) with a more accurate non-linear V(I)-characteristics. In addition, the IBIS-pin-model can also account for special clamping characteristics. The internal circuit topology of the IBIS model is similar to the topology of the Pulse model:



All values and curves of an IBIS model are stored in a corresponding ASCII file which can be handled with the following dialog box:



File name: The field provides a drop-down menu where an imported IBIS-files can be chosen directly. If a new IBIS file has to be imported the user has to press the file browser button next to the field on the right hand side.


Component name: In general an IBIS file includes the pin description of a complete device. Further, an IBIS file can include even more than one single component description. This is mostly the case when different flavours of a component (i.e. due to different firmware of  the device) exist. The field allows the user to select between different component models.


Pin name: In general an IBIS file includes a list of pins. Each pin has its own type (signal, power, ground) and (in case of type signal) one or even more corresponding models. The field allows the user to select a specific pin.


Model of selector: If a pin is assigned more than one model the model selector can be used to assign the right model to the pin.


Model name: If a pin name has been selected (see above) the corresponding Model name will be automatically displayed in this field. Furthermore this field allows the direct assignment of a Model name (from the IBIS-file) to the component pin without any previous assignment of a Pin name. In this case the field of Pin name will stay empty as shown in the figure below:



Data Type: An IBIS file usually provides three types of models for each pin model: Typical, Slow and Fast. Type Slow represents a U(t) characteristic with the smoothest slopes (long rise- and fall-times, small amplitude). Type Fast  represents an U(t) characteristic with the steepest slopes (short rise- and fall-times, high amplitude). The type Typical represents an U(t) characteristic which is in between.


Diff. pin: This field is not for editing. It only shows the differential mate of the pin (defined in the Pin name field) if such an information is stored in the IBIS file.


Buffer type: This field is not for editing. Besides the Buffer type I/O (input / output) there are also pure input types or pure output types available in an IBIS file.


View: Opens the CST IBIS Viewer with the currently selected pin or model (see CST_IBIS_Viewer).




This signal model type enables the user to define the selected pins as a differential mate of an other pin. The differential mate owns the same electrical behavior, except the amplitude of the V(t) curve, which is for one pin exactly the negative variant of the other. In the corresponding dialog box the only setting is the assignment of a Differential mate. This can be done by selecting any of the available pins from the drop-down menu.



Note: If a differential mate assignment has been done and one pin has been assigned an IBIS-pin-model and the other pin a Pulse model: in this case the IBIS-pin-model will be used for both pins and the previous model (Pulse or IBIS) will be removed.


Stimulus (see  Stimulus Editor):

A Stimulus assigns a certain state sequence to a standard input/output pin. Three states are possible:

By default a signal pin is a standard input/output pin. But if a signal model is assigned via an IBIS file it may happen that the pin is converted into a pure input. For such a pure input pin no Stimulus can be assigned as shown in the figure below:





This column enables the user to add different kind of artificial termination networks for every signal pin. These settings are not mandatory but allow a quick what-if analysis on the influence of the most common termination networks without editing the PCB layout first. Six kinds of termination networks are available:


Assign Model...

If an IBIS file does completely match a certain device an automatic assignment of the IBIS-internal models to the corresponding device pins can be done. In addition, once the I/O Device Model settings of a certain component have been exported in a CST Components Database file (via the Export Components function, see Export Components) these settings can be re-assigned to a component with an identical name.

 The corresponding  Assign Model... button to enable the described model assignment is located at the right top of the table:



After pressing the button, a pull-down menu opens where the user can select between either Assign IBIS Model... or Assign I/O Device Model....


Assign IBIS Model...



File: Enables the user to select an IBIS file which has been imported already or to import a new IBIS file by using the file browser with the button next to the field on the right hand side.


IBIS models frame: Lists all component models which are in the selected IBIS-file. The current model is displayed in the Selected model field.


Assign by pin names: Only such pins from the IBIS file that match the pin names of  the component are assigned automatically. If no matching was found a message will be displayed.


Assign by pin indices: All pins from the IBIS file are automatically assigned to the component's pins according to their order and with no regard of their names.


Assign I/O Device...

A file browser opens and the user can search for an exported CST Components Database file (see Export Components).