IBIS is short for I/O Buffer Information Specification. It is an ASCII data format standard used by many IC vendors and a valuable tool for easy and successful Signal Integrity analyses (see SITD). The CST IBIS Viewer can be used to get a quick overview on the IBIS models which are used in CST PCB STUDIO or CST DESIGN STUDIO. Also simple changes of the model can be done with the CST IBIS Viewer. The IBIS viewer can be reached via IBIS_viewer of the I/O-modeling (see I/O Device Modeling) or by changing to the schematic View ribbon via View:Change View/ToolsIBIS Viewer.


Main GUI

The GUI consists of a menu bar, a tree view with a property page, a graphical frame to display the waveforms and a transcript.


Tree View

In the tree view you can see all parts of the IBIS model which are relevant for the simulation.


Header Information: When selecting this item generic information about the IBIS model is shown in the property frame below.

Components: An IBIS model may contain one or more components. Each component contains a pin list. In case of active pins the model information is shown as well.

Models: Here you get a list of all models available in the currently opened IBIS file. Depending on the type a model contains ramp information, static curves (Pullup, Pulldown, POWER_clamp and GND_clamp) and dynamic curves (one or more rising waveforms and one or more falling waveforms). When selecting an item its properties are shown below and the corresponding curves are displayed in the graphical frame.

Model Selector: In some cases an IBIS file may use model selectors. Every selector contains a list of models. Instead of referencing directly to a specified model a pin can also refer to a model selector. In CST IBIS viewer only the first model of the selector will be used for the simulation.


Property page

Below the tree you can see the property frame. When selecting any item in the tree that contains any additional properties, you will see them here.


Graphical frame

By default a model view is shown in this field. In addition, separate charts and a text editor can be displayed.


Model View: When a model or a pin containing a model is selected in the tree the static or dynamic curves are displayed. With the buttons Static/Dynamic on the bottom left side you can switch between the two variants.

Separate Charts: When double-clicking on one of the small charts off the model view you can open a separate chart of the selected curve. Here you have the possibility to zoom in and out and to pick points via the context menu.

Text Editor: In the main menu you can open a text editor of the IBIS file. The keywords are shown in different colors for a better overview. Only large IBIS files will be displayed in monochrome due to performance reasons. When selecting any item in the tree view the editor will jump to the corresponding position in the IBIS file.



The transcript informs you about the current workflow. When starting the standard IBIS file checker the results are listed there. When double clicking to an error or warning of the output the text editor will show the actual position in the IBIS file.


Menu bar

All important items of the menu bar can be reached directly about the icon tool bar.











