Material Parameters: default - SEE Vaughan

Modeling: MaterialsNew/EditNew MaterialParticle Emission PropertiesVaughan

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Parameters for the Vaughan secondary electron emission model. Further emission model details can be obtained form the secondary electron emission overview page: Secondary Electron Emission Overview.


SE Yield

Energy max:

Energy at the maximum of the secondary electron yield.

SEY max:

Maximum of the secondary electron yield.

Threshold energy:

Offset for the secondary electron yield. Below this threshold, the yield is zero.


The smoothness ks of the surface affects the maximum values defined above. Typically this factor is set to one. The normal incident is independent of this setting.



In the equations above theta is the incident angle. Theta is zero for normal incident.

Energy PDF

Temperature (in eV):

The energy with which secondary electrons are emitted is gamma distributed. Since the emission behavior is material dependent, the temperature T can be used to adjust this distribution to different materials. As typical in plasma physics, the temperature T is defined in eV.


See also

Secondary Electron Emission Overview

Material Parameters: default - Secondary Electron Emission

Material Parameters: default - SEE Import

Material Parameters: default - SEE Vaughan

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman True

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Elastic

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Rediffused


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