Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Rediffused

Modeling: MaterialsNew/EditNew MaterialParticle Emission PropertiesRediffused

Edit Object Properties (navigation tree: Materials:material1PropertiesParticle Emission PropertiesRediffused)

Change the model parameters for the rediffused electrons.

Model for rediffused electrons

The probability distribution function (PDF) for the rediffused electrons can be written as follows:


Here, the secondary emission coefficient, which is dependent of the incident electron’s energy and angle, can be described by:

See also

Secondary Electron Emission Overview

Material Parameters: default - Secondary Electron Emission

Material Parameters: default - SEE Import

Material Parameters: default - SEE Vaughan

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman True

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Elastic

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Rediffused


Material Parameters

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