Material Parameters: default - SEE Import

Modeling: MaterialsNew/EditNew MaterialParticle Emission PropertiesImport

Edit Object Properties(navigation tree: Materials:material1PropertiesParticle Emission PropertiesImport)

Parameters for the Import secondary electron emission model. Further emission model details can be obtained form the secondary electron emission overview page: Secondary Electron Emission Overview.


SE Yield


Opens the import dialog box. The values for the secondary electron yield for normal incident (theta=0) can be imported from a text file. An import file could look like this:

The dependency of the incident angle is considered as follows:


The threshold energy will be automatically detected by the import.

Energy PDF

Temperature (in eV):

The energy with which secondary electrons are emitted is gamma distributed. Since the emission behavior is material dependent, the temperature T can be used to adjust this distribution to different materials. As typical in plasma physics, the temperature T is defined in eV.


See also

Secondary Electron Emission Overview

Material Parameters: default - Secondary Electron Emission

Material Parameters: default - SEE Import

Material Parameters: default - SEE Vaughan

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman True

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Elastic

Material Parameters: default - SEE Furman Rediffused


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