PIC Solver Parameters

Simulation: SolverStart Simulation

The PIC Solver parameters and/or static fields can be changed within this dialog box.


TD field stimulation settings

Simulation Time

Set the simulated time span of the  PIC simulation.

Store results in data cache

Enable, if the data for each solver run should be cached.

Calculate modes only

Calculate only the modes and do not track the particles.

Excitation List..

Open the Excitation List dialog box to select weight and change the excitation signals for stimulation ports.


Field stimulation settings

Electric Field

Activate the calculation of a static electric field.

Magnetic field

Activate the calculation of a static magnetic field.

Analytic field

Activate the calculation of an analytic magnetic field.

External field

Use external electric and magnetic fields for the PIC simulation.


Select a weighting factor for the fields, the default value is 1.


Change the settings for the static and/or predefined field Electrostatic Solver, Magnetostatic Solver, Analytic field, External field


Starts the PIC solver.


This button opens a dialog box that allows you to set up and start an optimization run.

Par. sweep...

Opens the parameter sweep dialog.


Opens the acceleration dialog box to control the high performance options of the simulation run (e.g. GPU acceleration, Distributed Computing, MPI).


Opens the special settings dialog box for the PIC solver: Special Solver Parameters - Waveguide, Special Solver Parameters - PIC

Simplify Model&ldots;

Opens a dialog box to simplify some settings: Simplify Model


Takes the current settings without closing the dialog box.


Closes this dialog box without performing any further action.


Shows this help text.


See also

PIC Solver Overview, Simplify Model, Special Solver Parameters - PIC, Special Solver Parameters - Waveguide, Electrostatic Solver Dialog, Magnetostatic Solver Dialog, Predefined Magnetic Field