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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Placing Components       

Placing Components

To help facilitate the easy copying of design materials, Designer allows you to drag and drop designs, components, and models from the Project Manager window to the Schematic Editor. In particular, you can drag and drop:

• A design from the Project Tree to a schematic

• A component from the Project Tree Definitions folder to a schematic

• A component from the Search tab component list to a schematic

• A component from the Components tab component list to a schematic

• A model from the Project Tree Definitions folder to a component in the schematic
(in order to associate the model with the component)




You can drag and drop one or more copies of a model from the Components and Models folders in the project tree to a schematic. Alternately, you can select Copy from the Project tree right-click menu and then select Paste from the schematic right-click menu (or use the Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v keyboard commands).


If Multiple Placement is turned on for components in Designer’s Schematic Options dialog box, you can place multiple instances of a component in the schematic by clicking at multiple locations. To stop placing components during multiple placement, do either of the following:

• Press ENTER, the SPACEBAR, BACKSPACE, or ESC on your keyboard.

• Right-click, and then select Place and Finish, Finish, Cancel, or Back.


To place a component:

1. Select the schematic that will contain the component you place.

2. In the Project Manager window, click the Components tab.

3. In the component list, locate the component you want to place, opening library files and folders as necessary to find it.

4. Next, select and place the component in the schematic using one of the methods described in the Note above. You can rotate a component before placing it by repeatedly pressing R on your keyboard. Each press rotates the component 90º counterclockwise. You can flip the component left-to-right by pressing the X key. You can flip the component top-to-bottom by pressing the Y key.

For components with physical layers, the Merge Layers dialog box may appear. See the Merge Layers Dialog topic for details. Inside the schematic window, the cursor is accompanied by the component symbol for placement.




1. The first time you place a component in a project, entries for it are added under the Component tree’s Most Recently Used and Project Components headings. To save time as your work progresses, you can place new instances of a component by double-clicking these icons as well. Please note that for security reasons, encrypted components are not saved in the Most Recently Used list or the Favorites list.

2. To ensure electrical connectivity among schematic elements, the pins of placed components snap to a 100-mil (2.54-millimeter) grid. This snapping cannot be turned off, and the spacing of the connectivity grid cannot be adjusted.

3. To move an existing component, select and drag the component to a new position. In-place wiring to the component is automatically adjusted. To retain the in-place wiring, hold down the ALT key as you drag the component to a new position.

Please note that when dragging a component to a new position, if the wires attached to it make an unintended connection, a red exclamation mark is displayed as a warning. The following figure illustrates that red circles are used to indicate where connections will be made and the explaimation point warns that there may be a connection that is not what you intended.


The topics for this section include:

Displaying and Editing Component Properties

Favorites and Most Recently Used Components

Finding Elements

Operations on Components

Editing Operations


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