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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   Placing Components >
       Operations on Components           

Operations on Components

Right-clicking on a component or other object in the schematic selects the object and opens a pulldown menu:

This menu contains Schematic Editor commands.

• Properties opens the Properties dialog box.

• Cut deletes the component, and retains a copy for pasting into a schematic in the same application.

• Copy creates a local copy for pasting into a schematic in the same application.

• Delete deletes the component.

• Rotate rotates the component 90 degrees counterclockwise.

• Flip Vertical flips the component about the X-axis.

• Flip Horizontal flips the component about the Y-axis.

• Push Down moves down one level in the project design.

• Pop Up moves up one level in the project design.

• Activate causes the activation of one or more selected components.

• Deactivate (Open) temporarily converts the component into an open circuit. Activate restores a deactivated component to the circuit.

• Deactivate (Short) temporarily converts the component into a short circuit. Activate restores a deactivated component to the circuit.

• Quick Probe creates a probe port connector.

• Copy to Clipboard creates a global copy on the clipboard for pasting into a different application.

• Paste puts the local object from the previous copy or cut into the schematic.

• Print prints the schematic in the active window.

• Zoom In decreases the area of the schematic in the view.

• Zoom Out increases the area of the schematic in the view.

• Zoom Area lets you specify the new view area by clicking to specify the upper left and lower right corners.

• Fit Drawing changes the view to include all the objects currently present.


Right-clicking a component in the Components tab of the Project window opens the following menu:

• Add to Favorites adds the component to your list of frequently-used components (see Favorites and Most Recently Used Components).

• Place Component attaches the component symbol to the cursor for placement in the schematic.

• Edit Component opens the Component Editor dialog (see The Edit Component Dialog Box in the Component Libraries topic for details).

• View Component Help opens the online help topic for the component.

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