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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Load Sharing Facility       

Load Sharing Facility

The Load Sharing Facility (LSF) is a third-party scheduler, transparently integrated with Designer's software tools, that enables Ansoft batch jobs to be scheduled and use allocated runtime resources more efficiently. Designer command-line controls make it possible for you to easily submit Ansoft batch jobs that can employ a cluster of computers managed by the LSF Scheduler. Ansoft's LSF integration is a powerful tool that uses your command-line directives to communicate with Designer's Distributed Solve Option (DSO) and Remote Simulation Manager (RSM) to run multiple simulations on multiple machines.

LSF Scheduler controls include:

• Scheduling

• Job Management

• Cluster Management

• Resource Management


The topics for this section include:

LSF Scheduler Terminology

Scheduler Requirements

Scheduler Constraints

Job Submissions

Command-Line Enhancements

LSF Commands

LSF Troubleshooting


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