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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Load Sharing Facility >
       LSF Commands           

LSF Commands

Check with the LSF Administrator before using any of the following command options.


• Serial job:

bsub -n 1 /net/ka/1tb1/test/designer/ -ng -BatchSolve /net/ka/1tb1/test/Ansoft/OptimTee.designer


• Serial job that needs a minimum of 4GB:

bsub -n 1 -R "select[mem>4000]" /net/ka/1tb1/test/designer/ -ng -BatchSolve /net/ka/1tb1/test/Ansoft/OptimTee.designer


• Serial job that requires a minimum of 4GB, needs to run on rhel40 machines, and is submitted to a specific queue:

bsub -n 1 -q <queue-name> -R "select[mem>4000] -R "select[rhel40]" /net/ka/1tb1/test/designer/ -ng -BatchSolve /net/ka/1tb1/test/Ansoft/OptimTee.designer


•  Multi-processing job using 4 cores:

bsub -n 4 -R "span[ptile=4]" /net/ka/1tb1/test/designer/ -ng -BatchSolve -batchoptions "'Designer/Preferences/NumberOfProcessors'=4" /net/ka/1tb1/test/Ansoft/OptimTee.designer

This requests that all 4 cores come from the same machine, as is required by multi-processing.


• Distributed-processing job using 4 engines:

bsub -n 4 /net/ka/1tb1/test/designer -ng -BatchSolve -Distributed /net/ka/1tb1/test/Ansoft/OptimTee.designer


• Distributed-processing job using 4 engines with some constraints:

— Restrict each machine to run using 2 or less engines, in order to satisfy the memory requirements of each distributed engine.

— Ensure that no other jobs run on the distributed machines.

— With an LSF queue that has 2 machines with 8 cores each:

bsub -n 4 -q <queue_name> -R "select[rhel40] span[ptile=2]" -x /net/ka/1tb1/test/designer -ng -BatchSolve -Distributed -batchoptions "'Designer/Preferences/NumberOfProcessors'=4" /net/ka/1tb1/test/Ansoft/OptimTee.designer


"-n 4" requests 4 cores for starting 4 distributed engines

"span[ptile=2]" obtains 2 cores from each machine

"-x" makes the job 'exclusive', in that no other job can run on these machines

"'Designer/Preferences/NumberOfProcessors'=4" specifies that each machine has 2 engines, and each engine has 4 cores available for multi-processing, given that each machine has 8 cores.


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