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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Load Sharing Facility >
       Scheduler Constraints           

Scheduler Constraints

The following firewall, registry, and command-line constraints apply to the LSF Scheduler.


Windows Firewall

Be sure that Firewall is OFF within a computation cluster. If the Windows firewall is enabled, and exceptions are not present to allow communication between the desktop process and remote COM engines, this may cause remote analysis to hang or time out. The LSF daemons also need firewall exceptions to communicate with each other, and if they are not present, LSF will not work correctly.


Windows Registry Issues

In general, for Ansoft tools to run on Windows, certain user registry settings must be set up manually. One way to ensure this is to start Designer interactively, once on each host in the cluster where batch COM engines may be started. If this is not done, the batch job may hang or fail.


Command-Line Considerations

• You must close Designer before submitting Scheduler command-line commands.

• Scheduler command-line commands to submit a job:

— The command specifies a Job submission, executable path, and options to be supplied to the executable.

— The command specifies resource requirements, including the number of required cores, and minimum amount of memory and disk space required, etc.

• Command-line commands include specification of project path, analysis controls, and distribution of resources. Distribution of resources specify:

— Number of processors

— Number of distributed cores

— Number of distributed processors


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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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