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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Load Sharing Facility >
       LSF Troubleshooting           

LSF Troubleshooting

Use the following guidelines for troubleshooting job submissions to the LSF Scheduler.


• Check the LSF logs.

• Check for a locked project.

• Check for path errors:

— Verify that the path is correct to specify the designer directory.

— Verify that a full path is used to specify the project directory.

• Determine if the problem is a general LINUX issue:

— Run a Designer build interactively on the same machine and verify that it works correctly.

• For mainwin crashes:

— Clean up /tmp/mw_core* on all machines.

— Cleanup ~/.mw in the user home directory.

• When killing a Designer job, use "bkill -s TERM". Do not use "bkill".

• For debugging:



— Set ANSOFT_DEBUG_LOG to a file in the 'ansdebug' directory (home or project).

— If necessary, email all log files in the ‘ansdebug’ directory to Ansoft Technical Support.

• Sometimes LSF kills a Designer job because one job is preempted by a higher-priority job. This results in the presence of .lock file in the project directory. As a result, you need to manually delete the .lock file before continuing with further analysis.

• With DSO jobs, LSF does not fully report all job statistics. The statistics that LSF reports pertain only to the machine on which Designer is launched., and do not take into account the resources consumed on other machines.

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