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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Load Sharing Facility >
       LSF Scheduler Terminology           

LSF Scheduler Terminology

Many cluster-management computation tools, including LSF, use the terms “job” and “task” to refer to specific units of work scheduled in the cluster.



A task represents a relatively small unit of work. A task may be the work done by a single process, or it may be a set of processes running in parallel, or a process that starts other processes/threads. In all cases, the task is the smallest unit of computation managed by the cluster scheduler.



A job represents a group of one or more related tasks that are managed as a group by the cluster scheduler. The tasks of the job may be run in parallel, sequentially, or as a combination of the two. Task scheduling can be made dependent upon the resources available to the job when it starts. In general, jobs are treated independently by the cluster scheduler.


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