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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
   Nexxim Simulation Process       

Nexxim Simulation Process

The Nexxim simulation engine with Ansoft Designer® provides you with a flexible design and simulation process that can be tailored to meet the needs of your existing design methodology. There are four main variations on the use of Nexxim and Designer. Two of the four (schematic editor designs and netlist editor designs) take place entirely within the Designer environment. The other two use some steps that are external to Designer.


This section sketches the steps in each of the variations on the design process. Refer to Getting Started with the Nexxim Circuit Simulator, and to the help topics on the Nexxim analysis tools, for details on these procedures.


The topics for this section include:

Schematic Editor Designs

Netlist Editor Designs

External Netlist Designs with Designer Analysis

External Netlist Designs with Command Line Analysis

Translating Serenade Schematics to Nexxim Schematics

Nexxim Analyses

Viewing the Nexxim Solution Log File

Nexxim Options

Circuit Temperatures in Nexxim

Setting Options or Temperature in External Files

Controlling Nexxim Output

Adding ALTER Blocks

Using GPUs with Nexxim Analyses



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