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Nexxim Simulator >
   Circuit Temperatures in Nexxim       

Circuit Temperatures in Nexxim

Properties of circuit elements may be a function of the element’s temperature. The TC1 and TC2 parameters of a resistor, for example, relate the resistance to the resistor’s temperature.

A Nexxim circuit includes two representations of temperature: the actual temperature and the nominal temperature.

The nominal temperature is the temperature at which the elements’ baseline parameters are valid. The actual temperature is the temperature at which the circuit is being simulated. Temperature dependency equations deal with the difference between the element’s actual and nominal temperature. Therefore, each element’s actual and nominal temperature must be known.

By default, the global nominal temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. The global nominal temperature can be set in the netlist with the statement:


The value from the last .OPTIONS TNOM statement in the netlist becomes the global nominal temperature for all devices in the netlist that do not have another nominal temperature specification. The use of TNOM as a global option is available only via the netlist. There is currently no way to set TNOM globally from within the Schematic Editor.

Many device models include a TNOM or TREF model parameter. A TNOM=val or TREF=val entry in a .MODEL statement sets the nominal temperature for all device instances that reference that model. The TNOM or TREF parameter can be set in the netlist, or from the Properties window of individual models in the Schematic Editor. A TNOM or TREF parameter overrides the value of the TNOM option, when both are present.

Note that it is also legal to give the value of the TNOM or TREF model parameter in the netlist statement defining a device instance. This overrides the value of the TNOM or TREF parameter in the model.

By default, the global circuit temperature is equal to the global nominal temperature. The global circuit temperature can be set in a netlist with the statement:

.TEMP temperature [temperature ...]

When more than one temperature is specified, Nexxim analyses perform a sweep of the multiple temperature points (unless the individual analysis statement already includes a temperature sweep). See Variable Sweep for details. If the netlist contains multiple .TEMP statements, the last temperature overrides any earlier settings.

The global temperature can be set in a schematic by selecting Circuit>Add Reference Data>Set Temperature. In the Set Temperature dialog box, set both the degrees and the scale (kel, cel, or fah).

A device instance statement can include the entry DTEMP=val. The value val is added to the global circuit temperature to determine the actual temperature of the device instance.

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